The Alexa Skill
Deploy an Alexa Skill backed by a Lambda Function and a DynamoDB Table.
AWS S3 Angular Website Deploy
Deploy an Angular website to an S3 bucket with the easy ability to add Route53 and CloudFront
AWS S3 React Website Deploy
Deploy a React website to an S3 bucket with the easy ability to add Route53 and CloudFront
The Basic MQ
Deploy static custom domain endpoints with Amazon MQ
The Big Fan
Uses SNS event filtering to fan out specific events to different consumers
The CloudWatch Dashboard
Build and deploy a well architected CloudWatch dashboard with alerts for the simple webservice pattern
The Destined Lambda
Lambda Destinations give the full error trace as standard, allowing you to easily replay events
The Dynamo Streamer
You can integrate API Gateway directly with DynamoDB, this removes an unnecessary Lambda Function.
The EFS Lambda
You can now attach an EFS File System to your Lambda Function for persistence between executions or across different Functions
The EventBridge ATM
Build an event driven ATM with different rules to route events to different consumers
The EventBridge Circuit Breaker
Integrate with unreliable external services? Build a circuit breaker and handle the risk
The EventBridge ETL
Build a fully serverless CSV to DynamoDB pipeline
The Lambda Circuit Breaker
Deploy Gunnar Grosch's circuitbreaker-lambda inside a reference architecture to learn serverless resiliency
The Lambda Power Tuner
Use the Lambda Power Tuner state machine to work out the optimum configuration settings for your Lambda Function.
The Lambda Trilogy
See the difference in a single purpose function, a fat lambda and a lambdalith
The Media Live Stream
This is an example of how to deploy a Serverless environment to stream live event content
Use Amazon Polly to translate text to speech from inside a Lambda Function. You can also take advantage of Amazon Translate to change the language of the spoken text
The Predictive Lambda
Deploy a custom Python ML model inside a Docker container running on AWS Lambda
The RDS Proxy
Use RDS Proxy to protect a MySQL RDS Instance from the massively scalable Lambda Function querying it
The Saga Step Function
A mechanism for handling distributed transactions within your system.
The Scalable Webhook
Need to integrate a non serverless resource like RDS with a serverless one like Lambda? This is your pattern
The Scheduled Lambda
Use EventBridge Schedule Expressions to trigger a Lambda Function on a regular schedule
The Simple GraphQL Service
Simple graphQL service built with AppSync. Allows UIs to specify exactly what data they want.
The Simple Webservice
The most basic pattern on cdkpatterns, the start of most peoples serverless journey
The State Machine
Have complex orchestration logic in your application? Build a state machine
The WAF API Gateway
Add a Firewall infront of your public resources like API Gateway to increase the security of your application
The X-Ray Tracer
Learn about using AWS X-Ray for tracing events through your system. This pattern has X-Ray enabled on API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, External HTTP calls, SNS and SQS